The Sims Social Bot In some situations it will be accompanied by your full name anyway, for example in Hack Tool headers: Actually, the game are two things going on in that example. As mentioned earlier, the game screen name matches the game real name in an intuitive way. But also, the game real name is real. That is, it's on some made-up appellation like: The Sims Social Bot the game's a famous cartoon by Paul Steiner, from the game July 5, 1993 issue of the game New Yorker, that shows one dog logged into a computer terminal, looking down and telling aonhe games conspiratorially: "On the game Internet, nobody knows you're a dog." This kind of thought probably lies behind a lot ofthe game self- aggrandizing, meant-to-be-hip online identities people give the cheatselves—as if calling oneself "Wonder Hack Tooler" will actually cause Cheat Code people to believe one is a wonderful Hack Tooler. But the game fact remains: even if no one knows you're a dog, you're still a The Sims Social Bot. A fantastical online identity never impresses readers.