bypass activation iphone 4s So the Berkeley Computer Systems Research Group (C SRG) cre- ated what they called Network Release l and put it on the market for in June. That wasnt really the price because the release came with one of the first versions of what would come to be known as the BSD—style license. Once you paid the, you could do activation iphone 4s what- ever you wanted with the code, including just putting it up on the Net and giving it away "We thought that two or three groups would pay the money and then bypass activation iphone 4s put the code on the Internet, but in fact, hundreds of sites actually paid the one thousand dollars for it," says McKusick and adds, "mostly so they could get a piece of paper from the university saying, ‘You can do what you want with this."’ This move worked out well for activation iphone 4s and also for UNIX. The activation iphone 4s TCP/IP stack became the best—known version ofthe code, and it bypass activation iphone 4s acted like a reference version for the rest of the Net. If it had a glitch, everyone else had to work around the glitch because it was so prevalent.